Eaglehawk Uniting

Mission Statement: 2021 - 2025

Eaglehawk Uniting Church "Striving to be like Jesus".

Our mission is to follow the mandates of the Good News of Jesus Christ - 'Love one Another' - applying it to 21st Century human and environmental challenges - homelessness, refugees, reconciliation, climate change- in our community and beyond.

It is a community of people:
* Believing: a Jesus-centred faith for the 21st century.
* Gathering: to celebrate life and faith in God.
* Learning and Growing: sharing the challenges of knowing and living the Jesus story.
* Caring: for each other, our community & the environment.
* Resourcing: our vision appropriately.
* Advocating and Supporting: the marginalised, locally, regionally, nationally, globally.
* Inviting and Welcoming: everyone to share in our vision regardless of ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age or status.

These will be demonstrated by using the following strategies
* In the overwhelming grace and love of God revealed in Jesus.
* in the value of each person and their place in God’s kingdom.
* In expressing the love of God by word and action in a world of many hurts.

* together frequently to celebrate faith in God.
* in common interest groups to support and encourage one another.
* together physically and via IT platforms to encourage inclusivity of remote and isolated people.

Learning and growing:
* promoting spiritual growth opportunities relevant for all ages.
* offering age-appropriate education- e.g. Cornerstone, Children's segment in Worship; Youth group, Bible Study Groups; Sunday evening Study Service; Advent and Lenten Study programs.
* providing a safe environment where individuals are encouraged to express and discuss their own ideas and understanding of God.
* encouraging attendance at, and facilitating learning events, including training of leaders.
* exploring ways of releasing long serving personnel in order to engender renewal and equitable sharing of gifts.
* acknowledging, recognising and supporting other programs being undertaken alongside the EUC programs - e.g. FOCUS services, Community Breakfast.

Caring :
* for the community and environment.
* through our practical and support programs - e.g. Op-Shop, Playgroup.
* in crisis situations - e.g. Food & Care.
* through planned and unplanned hospitality - e.g. Community Breakfast, meal provision.
* through planned and unplanned Pastoral Care - e.g. Prayer Chain, Pastoral Care Group.
* by responding to any Public Health and Safety restrictions - e.g. Fire Season, Epidemic, Safe Church.
* by tackling ecologically sensitive initiatives to lessen our impact on our environment. e.g. solar panels

* the ministry of all members - their talents, time and money.
* responsible management and stewardship of human resources, property, finances and programs - eg, Op Shop, COGS Project Renewal, investments.
* generating ideas for development and growth in physical and human resources.
* promoting and encouraging the use of facilities at the church site for local community activities.
* offering the use of EUC ICT Platforms to community groups.
* considering all avenues and opportunities of financial support opportunities - eg appropriate Grant applications etc

Advocating and Supporting
* awareness of referral pathways to local relief agencies - e.g. Uniting and other agencies
* ongoing prayer and regular financial support - e.g., Chaplaincies - Schools & Hospitals
* ongoing support of and interaction with other UCA congregations - e.g. Marong UCA
* "energy groups" to support the wider community - e.g. Mission Action Group (MAGS), Virginia Hill neighbours.
* Food and Care - providing Food to those in need each Tuesday;
* Mission Action Group - supplying handmade craft to local groups.
* EUC Op-shop - supporting the locals at our Shop.
* EUC Play Group - providing a safe & friendly place for pre school children.
* Virginia Hill folk -providing support with friendship and assistance as needed.
* the development of the relationship with the Marong congregation.
* encourage congregational support for relief efforts as appropriate.
* regular emphasis on UCA Frontier Services and other mission agencies.
* ongoing deliberations to develop relationships with indigenous communities - e.g. Coober Pedy Book support.
* advocacy for "voiceless" in other countries - e.g. Amnesty International, UCA JIM Cluster.
* draw attention to regular and one-off international appeals - e.g. Christmas Bowl, Lenten Appeal, UnitingWorld, and other disaster relief appeals.

Inviting and Welcoming
* by providing a comfortable, safe, pleasant, creative and inviting meeting place for church and community activities and groups.
* by being a child friendly and safe place where the contributions and opinions of children are encouraged, respected and recognized.
* by using innovative ways of developing and publicizing our Life, Mission and activities.
* through ongoing use of new ways of non-traditional welcoming and inclusion - ICT platforms alongside face-to-face events.

EUC will endeavour to share events and continue spreading the Good News through the use of an on-site Noticeboard, regular Newsletter, Facebook, website, Zoom, regular access to media such as LifeFM, print media etc.

We acknowledge that these avenues need to be reviewed regularly to ensure information is up to date and relevant. This requires training of personnel and maintenance of up to date equipment and technology. This underpins all of the strategies mentioned above for bearing witness to our Christian Faith.

This web site was originally started in April 2002 Designed by Free CSS Templates, Thanks to Custom Web Design

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